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In Key Stage 2, children have spelling rules to learn in addition to a list of statutory words. There is a list for Year 3/4 and one for Year 5/6 (see below).

All classes have 4 spelling lessons a week. We use an investigative approach to learning spelling rules. The teacher will introduce the rule for the week. Children will spend time working out the rule of the week, investigating and applying it independently. At the end of the week, they will be tested on a selection of words so that the teacher can see if they have understood how to spell words using that week's rule. Please note lists of words are not sent home for children to learn. You will receive the half termly spelling overview plan. We feel that our approach ensures a deeper understanding of spelling rules and a greater ability to recall them and use them in independent writing. If you have any questions, your child's teacher will be happy to help.

Below are sets of words that children should be able to first read, then spell and write.

Helping your child with English This website explains some grammar terms you may not be familiar with.