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School Uniform and PE Uniform 

As a school we believe our smart uniform promotes unity and gives a sense of identity. Our uniform encourages a neat and tidy appearance which enables our pupils to feel good about themselves and take pride in their school.

School Uniform:

  • Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan/fleece (with school logo optional)
  • Light blue polo shirt (school logo optional)
  • Dark grey trousers, shorts
  • Dark grey skirt, or pinafore dress
  • Blue and white striped or checked dress for summer
  • Sensible all black shoes, suitable for school with no colourful soles, brand logos or coloured laces
  • Sensible coat for daily school use and time of year - no fur, no leather

Just as we expect children to dress appropriately for school, we also expect them to adopt a suitable, age appropriate hairstyle. We actively discourage extreme hairstyles. We consider extreme to be, hair colouring, dying and logos/patterns shaven into the hair. Make up and tattoo/transfers are also not allowed.

Long hair should be tied back and headbands and clips should be simple and coloured blue to match the uniform. No other elaborate hair accessories should be worn, e.g. jojo bows.

All parents are asked to please make sure that uniform guidelines are followed and that children attend school wearing school uniform each day. The uniform is intended to be smart, practical and economical.

PE Uniform:

  • A pair of plain black/navy blue shorts/skorts
  • White T-shirt
  • Plain black/navy blue tracksuit bottoms or leggings
  • School jumper/cardigan or plain black/navy blue jumper (school logo optional)
  • Trainers – either plain black, navy or white – no bright colours

All PE clothing should ideally be plain, but a very small logo is acceptable.

Due to health and safety regulations, we do not allow jewellery to be worn in school, except for watches and plain ear studs.  These must be removed for PE lessons or covered with micropore tape. Micropore tape is available from pharmacies and it is parents’ responsibility to ensure that their child has this in school if needed.

Please name ALL uniform - we DO NOT hold 'lost property'. Any lost un-named items of clothing are donated to charity.

It is possible to purchase uniform, with the school logo through Brigade.

Log on to: and select Brookland Junior School from the list. Uniform with the school logo can also be purchased from Hawkins at the Old Pond in Cheshunt. Generic royal blue jumpers, cardigans and light blue polo shirts can be purchased at Tesco, Marks and Spencer and all major supermarkets.

Please also provide an old shirt or T-shirt for art activities.

Please provide wellington boots for lunchtime.