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Our Intent

The Religious Education curriculum at Brookland Junior School aims to inspire pupils’ natural curiosity with a ‘Big Question’ that respects and understands other cultures and beliefs. This exploration of enquiry allows pupils to express their own critical responses whilst investigating and building on prior learning. 

RE is an interactive subject for discussion of ethics and morality. It enables pupils to consider what people believe and do, why they believe it, and the impact these beliefs have on their everyday lives. It supports a ‘world views’ approach of contextualised self-reflection, open exploration of religious/non-religious content, concepts and experiences from institutional and individual religion/world view and universal application of concepts to pupils’ sense of their place in the world. 

Brookland Junior School follows the Hertfordshire SACRE Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education (2023-2028), divided into eight key areas, covered across each key stage to ensure progression in the belief system whilst avoiding unnecessary repetition of content. Here, clear learning objectives that are measurable and achievable for all pupils are set. Alongside this, picture stimuli, sources of wisdom, artefacts, clips, visits or visitors are used to create and support interactive and engaging lessons.


"It is important to know about other religions as you may come across them in your life" - Hakan, Year 3

"We used artefacts to explore the religion we are looking at" - Carys, Year 6

"I liked learning about Christianity and the Trinity as I now know God is three in one" - Layla, Year 3


Year 3 enjoyed their trip to a local Mosque

We went to Enfield Mosque. It was great because we saw the Imam who we learnt about in our lessons -Ayaz, Year 3

I learnt more about Islam when I went to Enfield Mosque. We got to go to the top of the mosque where the dome is. We could hear how our voices echoed - Chloe, Year 3