Our Intent
At Brookland Junior School, our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) curriculum helps children and young people stay healthy, safe and be prepared for life. We aim to provide all of our pupils with the initial building blocks necessary to embrace challenges. PSHE is central to all aspects of pupil learning, both in the classroom and beyond. It is taught both as timetabled weekly lessons and across the school day in every aspect of school life.
Our PSHE and RSE Curriculum set out to provide pupils with invaluable knowledge that will help them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing and teach them the fundamental characteristics of healthy relationships.
PSHE links in every way to our key Brookland values of being kind, respectful and the best you can be, and our children are able to discuss and live these values through our PSHE curriculum.
Relationships and sex education is learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, human sexuality and sexual health. Some aspects are taught in science and others are taught as part of personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE).
Unicef Rights of the Child
Brookland Junior School is a Gold-accredited Rights Respecting School. These rights are woven in throughout our curriculum and our children are able to discuss their rights and how to be sure these rights are upheld for and by everyone in our school community. Every week we celebrate children who have shown their commitment to these rights in our Celebration Assembly. Please see the Unicef page for more information.
Year 3 and 4 working with Luke McQuillan
Luke Mcquillan is a 22-year-old singer-songwriter from Bedfordshire. Luke is tipped to have a huge year in the music industry with festivals booked all around the UK this summer. He has a large following and will be supporting a huge artist on their arena tour later in the year!
Luke is a former member of boyband LCKDWN who had videos with over 15million views online during Lockdown. Luke has had his own issues with bullying, body image and mental health. He feels he is in the perfect position to deliver these messages to pupils.
In small groups, Year 3 planned a garden area for a target group of people. For example:
Children had to consider the needs of their target group including safety, interest, practicality, variety. |
During Anti-Bullying Week, Year 4 investigated this year’s focus, “Choose Respect”. The children talked about what respectful and disrespectful phrases look and sound like when there is conflict. Using resources from the Anti Bullying Alliance, children designed a poster displaying how they show respect. |
Year 5 looked at different “colours” getting on and living together, accepting difference and living in harmony. The big voices (the reds) should be challenged but challenged in the appropriate way. They should not be challenged in retaliation but by setting good examples if they think they are better than other “colours”.
Year 6 discussed why it is important to have goals and stretch ourselves. This was a positive and motivational start to our learning for the start of term in the New Year. |
"I enjoy PSHE as it shows us how to help and care for other people in our community," - Lucas, Year 3.
"PSHE is fun because we look at different scenarios in school, at home and in the world. We then work as a team to solve them," - Alin, Year 4.
"I have learnt a lot from PSHE. At the moment, we are talking about our future, jobs and skills I will need in my life," - David, Year 5.
"PSHE has enabled me to learn about other people and how the lives of others are different around the world," - Amaiyah, Year 6.