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Our Intent

At Brookland Junior School, we aim to deliver a fun, high-quality PE curriculum that inspires children to develop a love for sports and physical activity. We provide a wide range of opportunities for children to become confident in a way that supports their mental and physical well-being. As a school, we aim to raise the profile of PE, ensuring that all children develop the fundamental skills needed, as part of overall child development. 

Children will develop competence, flexibility, stamina and strength through a variety of games, athletics, dance, gymnastics and outdoor adventurous activities. We aim to ensure that all children attain optimal physical development, building self-confidence, perseverance and achievement. Children have the opportunity to participate in competitive sports and games within and across local schools.

We will prepare and support children to develop a good understanding of the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle. Alongside this, we will embed the underpinning values and disciplines that PE promotes, such as teamwork, communication, resilience, fairness and respect.


"I enjoy PE because I get to work as part of a team. It is inspiring, and it is my favourite lesson ever!"

    - Carys, year 6.

"I enjoy basketball because it is so fun" - Ramtin, Year 5

"I like having the opportunity to engage with my friends through sports" - Carmelo, Year 6.


"I loved swimming with our friends, especially in our last lesson - it was a fun swim!" - Anaiya, Year 6