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Our Intent

Our maths curriculum at Brookland Junior School aims to teach pupils how to solve a range of mathematical problems by applying their arithmetic, reasoning and problem-solving skills. We intend to encourage our learners to become fluent in mathematical concepts and develop confidence in solving increasingly complex problems over time, where children can apply their knowledge and skills rapidly and accurately. Our curriculum covers a wide range of concepts, including number sense, calculations, measurement, geometry, statistics, and algebra.

We follow the ‘White Rose’ structure to plan our units but also supplement, where necessary, from a range of resources to allow a breadth of learning in different styles.

By using this framework, we provide students with a structured and coherent mathematical education aligned with national standards. Our aim is to build a strong foundation in maths, enhance problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and mathematical fluency.

Our CPA (Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract) approach is designed to allow access for all learners so that they can develop the necessary skills to answer maths questions by beginning with physical resources, moving to pictorial representations and reaching the abstract stage rapidly.


"I like maths because we find different ways to solve questions. We have learnt how to add, subtract, multiply and divide and also how to measure accurately so that we have the right amounts of whatever we need."  - Destina, Year 3

"Maths is my favourite subject because we learn new ways to solve problems. My parents have jobs that use maths, and I know I could use my maths learning when I am older like they do." Layla, Year 3 

"In maths, when we use the column method, it makes it really clear how I need to solve questions. I know I can make numbers greater or smaller and I like knowing that I am challenging myself with my maths learning. Lots of jobs need measuring, like NASA scientists, and they had to learn their maths skills in school!" - Hakan, Y3 



"I love maths because it inspires me to improve. I am proud of my times table skills, and I am determined to do well in my MTC." - Riley, Y4

"I enjoy maths. Numbers in maths allow me to be successful. I like solving problems and challenging myself." - Jacob, Y4

"Maths is like solving a puzzle. It can be challenging at first, but once you know what to do, it makes things a lot easier to understand and get the right answer." - Teddy, Y6

"I find maths engaging and interesting. I know it will be useful to apply my skills to solve real-world problems when I am older." - Michal, Y6

"I find maths fun; it's one of my best subjects. I know that there are things I learn in maths that can help me solve other problems in real life." - Deante, Year 6