The Governing Body is responsible for the long-term strategic direction of the school. It has statutory responsibilities that include agreeing the school budget and expenditure and ensuring key policies are in place. Governors do not get involved in the day-to-day running of the school. The governor’s role is to ask challenging questions and provide support in those areas in which they have particular expertise. In order to be effective in their role, governors are expected to attend training sessions and read all relevant documentation.
Governors at Brooklands fulfil this role through two separate focusses: The Resources Committee and The School Improvement Committee. These committees meet termly to:
- Review the termly expenditure, agree major financial outlays, monitor the budget profile and monthly spending.
- Review all areas of site maintenance and development, including security, health and safety.
- Sit on interview panels, agree new staff appointments, agree staff changes and amendments, review job descriptions, salaries and performance appraisal.
- Review and agree school policies and school improvement priorities, assessment data, learning and progress of pupils and parental involvement.
Governors also meet once a term for full governing body meetings to support the strategic work of the school.
The Governing Body of the Brookland Federation (Brookland Infant& Nursery School and Brookland Junior School) is made up of parents, staff, local authority and community representatives. As a rule, governors serve for terms of four years on the Governing Body. Parent governors are elected every four years by other parents. They bring the perspective of a parent to the governing body, but they speak and act as individuals.
If you wish to contact a governor, please speak to the office.
Meet the Governors
Mrs Mandeep Barton (Headteacher)
I have worked in primary education for 13 years after successfully completing my Law degree and then PGCE. I started working at Brookland Junior School in September 2019. Prior to this, I worked in another local primary school. I started there as an NQT and left 9 years later after leading lower key stage two and achieving the SENDCo Award during my time as Inclusion Leader and a Senior Leader. Since being at Brookland, I have taught Year 6 and 3 and been Assistant Headteacher, leading curriculum and assessment. I am now into my third year as Headteacher at Brookland and am thoroughly enjoying being a part of the Brookland community and seeing the positive direction in which the school is moving.
LEA Governor - Chair of Governors
Mr David Warner - Term of office 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2025
Role - Chair of Resources
Co-opted Governors
Mr James Stephens - Term of office 27.09.2023 - 26.09.2027
I am a Chartered Accountant, training and qualifying with KPMG. Before that I worked in the Banking sector and now in the finance department within a large retailer. I believe my background and experience will help the school make effective financial decisions. I am a proud daddy to little Arthur and in my spare time I enjoy playing football and board games!
Mrs Jane Allen
I grew up in Bristol and on leaving school completed a Business Manager apprenticeship with Rolls-Royce Aero Space.
We moved to Cheshunt in 1981 when my husband accepted a job with Tesco Head Office.
I have two grown up sons, now in their 40s, who attended the Brookland schools. I also have a granddaughter, 23 years old, and a grandson, 19 years old.
When my children started school, I trained and subsequently worked as an Early Years Assistant for five years before being appointed as School Business Manager at Brookland Infant and Nursery. I recently retired after being in this role for over 30 years.
Over the years I have been involved in PTAs and other fundraising groups in the local community and helped run a local Scout Group. In retirement I am spending my time gardening, walking my dog, reading and socialising with friends.
I am excited to have the opportunity to be part of Brookland Schools’ federation journey and am looking forward to helping the two schools build an even closer relationship.
Mr Ben Curry
Parent Governors
Mrs Carly Curry
Mrs Kajal Patel
I am a parent governor at Brookland Federation. I have 2 daughters, one who currently goes Brookland Infants and one to start in September 2025. I am a HR specialist
Staff Governor
Mrs Laura Xhaferraj
Year 5 teacher at Brookland Junior School 13.11.24-12.11.2025
Associate Members
Mrs Hannah Cartwright
Miss Mitchell
Mr Adam Pugh (Deputy Headteacher) - Term office 30.09.21 - 29.09.2025
Miss Shelley Murphy (School Business Manager) - Term office 27.09.17 - 26.09.25